World Oceans Day 2024 Vienna & River Cleanup Vienna - Clean Danube Experience 24.06..2024
A creative approach of the rowing community, from which not only nature benefits, but also benefits the general public and a large sports facility!
On the 24th September 2022 rowers will clean up Viennas water banks and waters on the lower Old Danube and make it shine again.
Nowadays, it is more important than ever to pay attention to the environment, especially if it is visited and used by millions of guests a year. The more we pay attention to our old Danube, the longer we can use and love this oasis of well-being.
s part of the worldwide River Cleanup initiative, this activity was also brought to Vienna by the organisers of the pilot project "Clean Danube Experience" from Slovakia by Mrs. Erika Jung (from the non-profit organisation Human Health Institute n.o.). They innovatively combine different disciplines and approaches to encourage Slovakia, Austria and Hungary to take ecological responsibility and inspire people to live a sustainable way of life.
The River Cleanup Vienna activity is organised by the Wiener Ruderklub Donau in cooperation with Human Health Institute n.o (NGO)
This time, the athletes from the Wiener Ruderklub Donau are focussing on the former Danube and today's old Danube. With this initiative, they will jointly support the global ecological movement River Cleanup at local level.
The main actors of the activity are the Vice-President of the WRK Donau, Dr. Josef Bertagnoli, and the activist, who focusses on supporting and protecting health and the environment in several countries, Dr. Erika Jung, MBA.
Mrs. Erika Jung says: "We come together to clean up and purify our waters, because sport, nature and our conviction unite us. Under the motto: "We, as active or passive water sports enthusiasts appreciate and protect our waters with every activity and contribute to the sustainable, healthy future. In this way, we want to contribute to the preservation of valuable natural habitats and the most vulnerable plant and animal species in Vienna, Austria on the Danube. At the same time, we also want to be a role model for children and everyone who wants to participate in a greener future. It is also an activity to strengthen environmental awareness and responsibility among children and adolescents.
The vice president of the WRK Donau, Dr. Josef Bertagnoli, says: ,,We rowers are on the water every day and support the River Clean-Up Days as an association with full force. Rowing itself is a "clean water sport" and because of that we also have the responsibility to keep the water and its surroundings clean and to help with the maintenance.,,
If you also want to be there and support us in this, just come by and bring your good mood. We are happy about every hand that wants to do something good for the conservation of our waters. Together we manage to take a step into the sustainable future through the old Danube.
Everyone is warmly welcome to give back as a community and be part of River Clean Up Day!